LEaT Con 2022: “Live, Entertainment and Technology Convention”

LEaT con | The new convention for entertainment technologies

LEaT sees itself as a new, overarching industry platform that has four complementary pillars: LEaT con, LEaT con X, LEaT Academy and LEaT Jobs. It targets sustainably strengthening the cohesion, exchange and networking of the industry with a motto “Sharing Knowledge. Shaping the Future.”

The LEaT con Convention 2022 will take place from October 18th to 20th at the Hamburg Messe exhibition center, the first time as a major event. And AES Germany is participating at the main stage with 3 panels, as well as with a presentation.

If you are willing to attend the convention and join us at booth# SQ1-B26 in Hall B6, we have available the following promotion code which can be used for a 33% percent reduction from the total price: AES-LEATSPECIAL33
for registration use: www.leatcon.com/ticketing
Tickets are including also the full day catering on site. To receive additional access information, please send us an email to: mail@aesgermany.org. We are looking forward to meeting you there!

AES Germany Panel Program

Tuesday 18.10.2022 17:00

Immersive Beschallung: Aufwand und Wirkung

(For English, see below)

Immersives Audio ist schon seit einiger Zeit ein heißes Thema in der Musikindustrie und wird für kleine bis große Veranstaltungen eingesetzt. Viele Hersteller von Audiotechnik haben ihre Technologien bereits für immersive Anwendungen angepasst. Von Theatern bis hin zu Clubs sind verschiedene Veranstaltungsorte auf der ganzen Welt mit immersiven Audiosystemen ausgestattet. Außerdem werden immer mehr Live-Shows mit dieser Technologie durchgeführt. In diesem Panel werden Experten aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen wie Planung, Sounddesign und Lautsprecherbau ihre eigenen Methoden für verschiedene Anwendungsfälle vorstellen. Sie werden über die Geschichte der Beschallung diskutieren und gleichzeitig die aktuellen technischen Innovationen beleuchten.

Immersive Sound Reinforcement: Effort and effect

Immersive audio technology has been a hot topic in the music industry for a while now and has been serving small to large scale events. Many pioneer audio technology providers and manufacturers have already adapted their technologies to immersive applications. From theaters to clubs, various venues all around the world are installed with immersive audio systems. Besides, more and more live shows are being performed using the advancing technology. In this panel, experts from a wide range of fields such as planning, sound design and loudspeaker manufacturing will present their own methods for different use cases. They will talk about the history of sound reinforcement under the spotlight of current technical innovations.

19.10.2022 Wednesday 14:00

How can immersive streaming help live events?

(This panel will be held in English)

In this panel the possibilities and limitations of immersive audio streaming and remote production will be discussed. How to find a workaround using various formats and how to increase collaboration, how a certain live production can be transferred authentically to another location, how a pandemic situation has changed the industry and accelerated the need for remote connection… With these questions in mind, the panellists will be sharing their own experiences and the technologies they have been applying to. The aim of this panel is creating awareness by presenting where we are right now and how we can handle the limitations in the future. For this purpose, various applications and different types of streaming use cases will be discussed.

20.10.2022 Thursday 12:00

Remote Production Services – Wann kommt der virtuelle Ü-Wagen?

(For English, see below)

Das Panel wird hochkarätig besetzt sein mit Experten aus den Bereichen Sport, Education und Musik. Neben Fallbeispielen aus dem Groß-Veranstaltungsbereich (z.B. Bundesliga remote in 3DAudio oder Wacken Festival Streaming) werden Zukunftsfragen wie “Ersatzpotential für Ü-Wagen”, Leitungsbandbreiten, Havariekonzepte und CO2 Bilanz diskutiert werden.

Remote Production Services – When is the virtual OB truck coming?

This panel will be hosting some experts from the fields of sport, education and music.In addition to some case studies from large events (e.g. Bundesliga remote in 3D audio or Wacken Festival Streaming), future issues such as “potential replacement for OB vans”, line bandwidths, emergency concepts and CO2 emissions will be discussed.

LEaTCon 2022, Hamburg, Speaker Corner 4:

Speaker Corner 4

19.10.2022 Wednesday 12:00-12:45

(For English, see below)

Prof. Thomas Görne – AES Germany / Regionalgruppe Hamburg
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW) | Fakultät Design, Medien und Information

Mikrofonauswahl und Aufstellung für Bühne und Studio

In der Präsentation werden die Eigenschaften klassischer und moderner Mikrofone für Bühne und Tonstudio diskutiert und demonstriert. 

Thomas Görne ist nach einer Professur für Theorie der Musikübertragung am Erich-Thienhaus-Institut der Detmolder Hochschule für Musik seit 2008 an der HAW Hamburg Professor für Audiodesign und Audiosysteme und Leiter des Tonlabors.

2018-2021 war er Vizepräsident der Audio Engineering Society, aktuell ist er aktiv in der Regionalgruppe Hamburg der AES Germany und verantwortlich für die Hamburger AES Student Section. Zu seinen Buchveröffentlichungen zählen „Mikrofone in Theorie und Praxis“ (Elektor 1994), „Studiotechnik: Hintergrund und Praxiswissen“ (Elektor 1996) und „Tontechnik“ (Hanser 2006).


(English Version)

Prof. Thomas Görne – AES Germany / Regional group Hamburg
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) | Faculty of Design, Media and Information

Microphone selection and setup for stage and studio

In this presentation, properties of classic and modern microphones for stage and recording studio will be discussed and demonstrated.

After a professorship for the Theory of Music Transmission at the Erich Thienhaus Institute of the Detmold University of Music, Thomas Görne has been a professor of Audio Design and Audio Systems and head of the Sound Laboratory at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences since 2008. In between 2018-2021 he was the Vice President of the Audio Engineering Society, he is currently active in the Hamburg regional group of the AES Germany and responsible for the Hamburg AES Student Section. His book publications include “Microphones in Theory and Practice” (Elektor 1994), “Studio Technology: Background and Practical Knowledge” (Elektor 1996) and “Tontechnik” (Hanser 2006).

Opening hours of the LEaT Con 2022

18th October Tuesday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, followed by a networking evening from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

19th October Wednesday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

20th October Thursday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.