Die HAMBURG OPEN informiert: das Forum-Programm 2023 ist ab sofort als Video on Demand für Sie verfügbar: Zu den Aufzeichnungen Tip des zweiten Tages: Von mp3 zu PARty: Wie digitale Signalverarbeitung, Psychoakustik und maschinelles Lernen zusammenfinden Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg (TU Ilmenau, Brandenburg Labs, AES Life Fellow)
Category: News
CfP: 2023 AES Int. Conf. on Spatial and Immersive Audio, 23-25 Aug 2023, Huddersfield, UK
Call for Papers Dear all, update: The easychair submission pages for the upcoming AES Int.Conf. in Huddersfield are now open for submissions in all categories:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aes2023spatialpapers (cat1)https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aes2023spatialabstra (cat2)https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aes2023spatialworksh (workshop)For more information check Hyunkook’s original message and:https://aes2.org/contributions/2023-spatial-conference/ Best regards,Franz Zotter and Hyunkook Lee
Akustikingenieur: „Wie Elektroautos künftig klingen, werden unsere Kinder entscheiden“
“Der Klang von E-Autos” Link zu einem externen Artikel des RND (ReaktionsNetzwerkDeutschland)
Audio Engineering Society Receives Technical GRAMMY® Award
AES acknowledged for its contributions of outstanding technical significance to the recording field. More details
Newsletter January 2023
Stellenangebote / Job Offers Audio Event Kalender 2023 5th AES Immersive Audio Academy: Round Table With The GRAMMY© Nominees Wiki.AUDIO News New Webpage: “USEFUL LINKS” [english version below] Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde Wir wünschen Euch mit diesem ersten Newsletter 2023 ein […]
Wiki.AUDIO – An interactive encyclopedia of acoustics and audio technology
project name: Wiki.AUDIO initiated, supported and funded by VDT, DEGA, AES Germany as well as the universities of Darmstadt, Detmold, Düsseldorf project targets: – creating a freely accessible web based audio encyclopedia in the spirit of Eberhard Sengpiel.– installing and programming a modern cloud service in www.wiki.audio (done in 2022) […]
Studentische (SHK) oder Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (WHK) für Wiki.AUDIO
Steig jetzt ein als Studentische (SHK) oder Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (WHK) und hilf mit, Wiki.Audio (https://wiki.audio) groß zu machen!Dem Beispiel von Eberhard Sengpiel folgend zielt ein vom deutschen Tonmeisterverband (VDT) initiiertes Netzwerk darauf ab, Materialien für Selbststudium, universitäres und lebenslanges Lernen im Komplex „Audio“ frei verfügbar zu machen. Inhalte in der […]
AES Regionalgruppe Frankfurt @ Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik – Vielen Dank für eure Teilnahme.
Lovre Bogdanic – Development Engineer im ArtLab. Herzlichen Dank für die rege Beteiligung an unserem ersten In-Person Event der Regionalgruppe Frankfurt, bei welchem wir am Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik zu Gast waren. Besonderer Dank gilt Lovre Bogdanic, welcher als Development Engineer im ArtLab spannende Einblicke in die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit gab, […]
LEaT Con 2022: “Live, Entertainment and Technology Convention”
LEaT con | The new convention for entertainment technologies LEaT sees itself as a new, overarching industry platform that has four complementary pillars: LEaT con, LEaT con X, LEaT Academy and LEaT Jobs. It targets sustainably strengthening the cohesion, exchange and networking of the industry with a motto “Sharing Knowledge. […]
NEW 3D AUDIO AWARD – Call for Participation
We had recently the idea to establish a 3D_AUDIO award not restricted to students (media or games) but to technology, tools AND media including music. In this early stage every member is invited to join a temporary working group for realizing this idea.In case of interest just write to mail@aesgermany.org […]
AES Germany Presence in the Schoeps Mikroforum 2022
AES Germany board of directors Ulrike Sloma (Illmenau), Till Gerneth (Frankfurt), Ralph Kessler (Treasurer) and Banu Sahin (Chair) were present at the Schoeps Mikroforum 2022 to introduce the newly registered legal entity AES Germany e.V. – Verein Deutscher Audio Ingenieur:innen (Association of German Audio Engineers), for the first time in […]
“AES Germany e.V.” is Registered in Germany as a Nonprofit Organization
AES Germany e.V. is a legal entity now! Check our new IMPRINT here. By this means, our official bank account is confirmed as well. It will enable us to create resources for our voluntary work, as AES Germany e.V. can now receive tax deductible donations. Every cent of donation will […]
CALL FOR PAPERS – Conference on Sonification of Health and Environmental Data (SoniHED 2022)
The Sound for Energy Project (https://soundforenergy.net) is delighted to announce the second Conference on Sonification of Health and Environmental Data (SoniHED 2022), which will take place online on 27-28 October 2022. The Conference will include guest speakers, peer-reviewed paper presentations and posters, and more. See the conference webpage for more information: https://soundforenergy.net/sonihed2022 Call […]
UMFRAGE – “Aktuelle Marksituation deutscher Tonstudios mit besonderem Bezug auf die Adaption von Immersive-Audio”
(durchgeführt von der AES Student Section Hamburg @HAW) Sehr verehrte Tonschaffende, Kolleg*innen und Studiobetriebe, wir möchten Sie mit dieser Einladung darum bitten, sich 5 Minuten Zeit für die Teilnahme an der Umfrage zum Thema „aktuelle Marksituation deutscher Tonstudios mit besonderem Bezug auf die Adaption von Immersive-Audio“ zu nehmen. Diese Umfrage […]
VDT und AES GERMANY kooperieren
CALL: Europe’s Sixth Student 3D Audio Production Competition and virtual Finals are held Oct. 2022
The spring 2022 AES Standards meeting schedule is online
The spring meetings of the AES Standards Working Groups have been scheduled for May, prior to the AES Spring convention. The standards meetings will all be virtual. The working group meetings have been scheduled for 2 – 6 May. The plenary session where individual working groups report their progress in summary form […]
AES Statement on Ukraine
The AES Board of Directors has issued the following statement on the situation in Ukraine: The Audio Engineering Society unites a worldwide community of audio professionals and students. Our international membership has joined the world in shock and sadness over the news, images and stories coming out of Ukraine in […]
Results Of First Interactive Online Member Meeting 2022-02-15
AES Germany held its first members meeting with participation from 21 different cities. The meeting was done online in Zoom. A quiz was prepared through Mentimeter and attendees were asked about the cities they were located, their interests as well as some questions about the Audio Engineering Society. The majority […]